What Makes Korea So Slim?

When you visit our Korean restaurant in Seattle, you’re not just indulging in a delicious meal. You’re also doing your body a favor. Indeed, though the powerful flavor and satisfying heartiness of Korean food may deceive you, Korean cuisine is among the very healthiest kinds of foods on the planet.

Consider our national obesity rate of 34.4%. It’s old news that this is the highest of any country, beating out runner-up Mexico by four percent and New Zealand and the UK by nearly ten. South Korea is the narrow-waisted winner among the developed world, boasting a scant obesity rate of 3.4% (a solid tenth of our own). Though there may be many factors playing a role here, it’s clear that the Korean diet is chief among these.

According to a scientific study, the average Korean meal contains 13% less fat than the average meal consumed in America or Europe. Korean food is rich in grains, vegetables, and spices, filling you up with fiber and vitamins and keeping your metabolism burning at peak performance. When meat is used, they tend to favor better, leaner cuts, flavoring them with rich marinates instead of unhealthy cooking oils.

So for your next night out, forgo the greases and fats that put the strain on America’s belts and treat yourself to healthy, Korean goodness!